Chinese Aerospace Long-March International Trade Company showcases the new M20 Guided Ground Launched Ballistic Missile Systems. M20 Guided Ballistic Missile is designed to attack the land targets wit…
Chinese Aerospace Long-March International Trade Company showcases the new M20 Guided Ground Launched Ballistic Missile Systems. M20 Guided Ballistic Missile is designed to attack the land targets wit…
Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee presented "Pride of Performance" to distinguished Scientists and Engineers working in PAEC (Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission), KRL (Dr A Q Khan Research Labor…
Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee presented Civil Awards to distinguished Scientists and Engineers working in PAEC (Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission), KRL (Dr A Q Khan Research Laboratory) and…
Twelve year old Naima Gul has become the first female pilot (honorary) of the 9th Squadron of the Pakistan Army Aviation by flying the Lama helicopter. She is a Thalassaemia patient and currently stud…
The President of Pakistan has granted the “General Staff Green Endorsement for 1,000 Safe Flying Hours”Military awards to the following officers and men of Pakistan Armed Forces: 01) Lieutenant Colone…
The President of Pakistan has granted the “COAS Commendation Card”Military awards to the following officers and men of Pakistan Armed Forces: 01) Brigadier Syed Muhammad Sibtain Jaffery, Punjab,02) Br…
The President of Pakistan has granted the “Imtiazi Sanad”Military awards to the following officers and men of Pakistan Armed Forces: 01) Brigadier Pervez Iqbal Malik, Punjab,02) Brigadier Farooq Azam,…
The President of Pakistan has granted the “Tamgha- i-Imtiaz (Military)”Military awards to the following officers and men of Pakistan Armed Forces: 01) Lieutenant Colonel Ayub Akram Tareen, Armourd Cor…
The President of Pakistan has granted the " Sitara-i-Imtiaz (Military)" Military awards to the following officers and men of Pakistan Armed Forces: 01) Brigadier Muhammad Naeem, EME,02) Brigadier Mans…
The President of Pakistan has granted the " Hilal-i-Imtiaz (Military)" Military awards to the following officers and men of Pakistan Armed Forces: 01) Major General Muhammad Ijaz Chaudhry, Artillery,0…
The President of Pakistan has granted the "Tamgha-i-Basalat" Military awards to the following officers and men of Pakistan Armed Forces: 01) Major Syed Ali, Punjab,02) Major Zubair Aurangzeb (Shaheed)…
The President of Pakistan has granted the "Sitara-i-Basalat" Military awards to the following officers and men of Pakistan Armed Forces: 01) Captain Safar Khan (Shaheed), Baloch,02) Lieutenant Faiz S…
Gen Petreaus has warned the US government that drone attacks like the ‘Dattakhel drone attack’ which resulted in the deaths of forty four innocent Pakistanis tribesmen should not occur again as this c…
Pakistan telecommunication satellite replacement also known as Paksat 1R is scheduled to be launched on August 14 this year. Paksat 1R will be use to replace the current Paksat-1 satellite. In 2002 Pa…
Pak Army has stated the 2nd phase of the reconstruction efforts in the areas which were hit last year by the flood in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. In the first phase Pakistan army has already completed 200…
Pakistan, Turkey and Afghanistan are conducting an urban warfare exercise in Turkey on 19th to 26th of this month. Turkish Ministry of Foreign affairs has said that this exercise will be held in Ista…
Despite the so called strong protests by the by the government of Pakistan drone strikes attacks in North Waziristan Agency (NWA) and rumors of putting the PAF on high alert, US drones have kept flyin…
Pakistani Media is reporting that Pakistan government has placed Pakistan Air Force (PAF) on a high alert after the US drone attack which resulted in loss of high number of innocent life in FATA. In r…
Pakistan’s Foreign Secretary Salman Bashir has said that “Pakistan should not be taken for granted nor treated as a client state.” Pakistan has strongly protested against the US Predator drone strike …
Pakistan’s defense ministry has asked all organizations working under its authority including Pakistan Army, Pakistan Navy and Pakistan Air Force to follow the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority …
Twenty two Indian fishermen were arrested by the Pakistan Maritime Security Agency after they violated the Pakistan’s maritime border. Pakistan Maritime Security Agency has also detained the five fish…
Pakistani Army Chief, General Kayani has strongly condemned the attack by the US Predator drones in the North Waziristan Agency which has resulted in large number of civilian causalities. Chief of Ar…
General Kahlid Shameem Wynne has met with the Turkish President Mr Abdullan Gul. He also visited the Turkish General Staff Headquarters where he was met with the Commander of Turkish Armed Forces Gene…
Despite rejection of the request to purchase new gen AIP submarines by the Senate’s Standing Committee on Defense Production, Pakistani Federal Cabinet has approved the project for joint development a…
Senate’s standing committee on Defence Production held a meeting at parliament house. Senate’s standing committee on Defence Production headed by the Senator Lt Gen (Retd) Javed Asharaf Qazi and othe…
Chief of the Army Staff, General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani was the chief guest of the re-equipment ceremony of No 5 Squadron of PAF. This ceremony was held at the Pakistan Air Force Base, Shahbaz (Jacobab…
Pakistan Army has successfully tested short range ballistic missile Hataf-2 Abdali which has a range of 180km. Missile can carry both conventional and nuclear warheads. This test was conducted by the…
Pakistani ministry of defense has requested the Pakistani government to allow Pakistan Navy to for joint development and co-production of new generation of submar…
British Chief of defense Staff today met with the Chief of the Pakistan Army General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani and discussed the situation in Pakistan and Afghanistan border area. Governemnt sources have s…
Pakistani military officials lead by the headed by Lieutenant General Muzammil Hussain, Inspector General Training and Evaluation, Pakistan Army has reached Sri Lanka. This delegation will stay in Sri…
Pakistani Army Chief, General Kayani has visited Bahawalpur Cantonment area where he was received by Corps Commander Bahawalpur Lieutenant General Naeem Khalid Lodhi. During his visit, Chief of Army S…
Pakistani Navy has organized naval exercise called Aman-11. Navies from all parts of the world will be talking part in this exercise which will include Special Operations Forces and War at Sea exercis…
High ranking officials from the militaries of Afghanistan, Pakistan and coalition forces in Afghanistan meet for the 33rd time to discuss the security situation in the region. In this discussion Pakis…
Russia has offered India to supply it with Active Electronically Scanned Array Radar for Indian Su-30MKI fighter jets. Details of this offer are currently under discussion between the two countries. U…
Indian defense forces will induct around 450 Light Utility Helicopters, 12 VVIP Helicopters, over 222 gunship helicopters, 139 Mi-17 military transport helicopters, 15 Heavy Lift military Transport H…
Images of Fast Attack Craft (FAC) Launched in Karachi Xinggang Shipyard of China has started the construction of the first of two missile boats for the Pakistan Navy. Ceremony was attended by the Paki…
Pakistan Air Force’s chief of air staff, Air Chief Marshall Rao Qamar Suleman has confirmed that PAF is discussing with the United States about the possibility to get additional F-16 fighter jets. Ho…