Keel laying ceremony for construction of third Azmat Class Fast Attack Missile Craft (FAMC) was was held at Karachi Shipyard and Engineering Works (KS&EW). Azmat Class Fast Attack Craft Missile has …
Keel laying ceremony for construction of third Azmat Class Fast Attack Missile Craft (FAMC) was was held at Karachi Shipyard and Engineering Works (KS&EW). Azmat Class Fast Attack Craft Missile has …
PNS Khalid (S137), an Agosta-90B class diesel attack submarine (SSK) and PNS Juraat Multi-Purpose Auxiliary Craft (MPAC) of the Pakistan Navy (PN) are visiting the Sultanate from February 23 to 26. T…
The Pakistan Navy’s 2nd PNS Azmat Fast Attack Missile Craft (FAMC) of the PNS Azmat class was launched yesterday during a ceremony at Karachi Shipyard and Engineering Works (KS&EW). New Fast Attack M…
Pakistan’s first fast-attack craft (missile) PNS Azmat was formally inducted in Pakistan Navy in a ceremony held at the PN Dockyard on Thursday. Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee (JCSC) Chairman Genera…
Pakistan naval warship PNS Azmat Fast Attack Missile Craft (FAMC) has arrived at the Port on Colombo on 28th May 2012 and it was welcomed by the Sri Lanka Navy. The Pakistani PNS Azmat Fast Attack M…
Pakistani Fast Attack Missile Craft (FAMC) PNS Azmat is scheduled to visit Kuantan, Malaysia from 16 May to 19 May 2012. PNS AZMAT is equipped with long range antiship missiles and close-in weapon s…
The PNS Azmat Fast Attack Missile Craft (FAMC) of the Pakistan Navy at the Yangtze River Port of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA). PNS Azmat carries 8 long range anti-ship missiles for o…
The PNS Azmat Fast Attack Missile Craft (FAMC) of the Pakistan Navy at the Yangtze River Port of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA). PNS Azmat carries 8 long range anti-ship missiles for offe…
PNS Azmat Fast Attack Missile Craft (FAMC) Offically Inducted into Pak Navy…
Pakistan Navy has inducted its PNS Azmat Fast Attack Missile Craft (FAMC) to supplement its fleet of warships. Chief of Naval Staff of Pakistan Navy, Admiral Muhammad Asif Sandila was the chief guest…
Pakistan Navy (PN) will induct PNS Azmat Fast Attack Craft (Missile) in April this year while the 4th F-22P Zulfiquar Class frigate, PNS Aslat is scheduled to join the Pakistan Navy in April 2013. P…
Pictures of PNS AZMAT Fast Attack Craft (Missile) PNS AZMAT Fast Attack Craft (Missile) Launched Fast Attack Missile Craft (FAMC) Launched in Karachi Details of Azmat Class Fast Attack Craft (Missile)…
The Chief of the Naval Staff, Admiral Asif Sandila has said that Pakistan Navy is working on a plan to develop a balanced naval fleet. He said that Pakistan is facing an enemy which is expanding its n…
Karachi Shipyard and Engineering Works (KSEW) has launched Fast Attack Missile Craft (FAMC) for Pakistan Navy with the transfer of technology from the Chinese company 'China Shipbuilding and Offshore…
Picture of PNS AZMAT Fast Attack Craft (Missile)Images of Fast Attack Craft (FAC) Launched in Karachi …
Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Noman Bashir was the Chief Guest at the launching ceremony of the 1st Fast Attack Craft (Missile) being built for Pakistan Navy here at Xingang Shipyard, Tianjin, China.…
Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works (KSEW) has started the construction of the Fast Attack Missile Craft with Chinese help for the Pakistan Navy. Pakistan navy has placed an initial order for two su…