Chief of the Naval Staff, Admiral Asif Sandila Witnessing the test firing of C-802 Anti-ship Missiles which has range of 180 km. Pakistan navy (PN) has successfully test fired number of anti-ship mis…
Chief of the Naval Staff, Admiral Asif Sandila Witnessing the test firing of C-802 Anti-ship Missiles which has range of 180 km. Pakistan navy (PN) has successfully test fired number of anti-ship mis…
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An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) of the Pakistan Army has crashed in the northwestern Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) due to technical failure. Drone was on the surveillance mission in the…
Two Pakistan Navy vessels have arrived in the naval port of Simon’s Town for a short port visit. The destroyer PNS Tippu Sultan and the combat support ship PNS Nasr are visiting from 10 to 13 Decembe…
Pakistan Rangers (Sindh) displaying the seized Kalashnikov assault rifles along with other weapons and large amount of ammunition after an operation in Karachi. Rangers arrested around 40 suspects du…