Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy Hospital Ship "Peace Ark" has reached Pakistan as part of an China's overseas humanitarian mission. On arrival in Pakistani waters, the Type 920 Peace Ark ship was escorted by Pakistani frigate, PNS SAIF. The Chinese Peace Ark hospital ship has already visited Djibouti, Kenya, Tanzania, Bangladesh, Cuba, Costa Rica, Jamaica and other countries.

Chinese hospital ship has 300 beds and a medical crew of 100.

Chinese hospital ship has 20 intensive Care Units and 8 operation theatres which bigh enough to conduct forty major surgeries simultaneously. PN's medical staff will also assist the Chinese crew during this free medical camp.

China's 170 m long,  Peace Ark hospital ship also carries Z-8 (Chinese version of Super Frelon SA321) naval helicopter which allows it to directly airlift the patients from troubled areas to the ship.

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