Pakistan has upgraded the MFI-395 Super Mushshak with a completely new integrated glass cockpit instead of traditional style of analog dials and gauges.. The Super Mushshak is a basic trainer aircraft which is offered to the International Military and commercial customers. by the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC).

The improved MFI-395 Super Mushshak is outfitted with 2 large multi-function displays, one each for the pilot and co-pilot.
The Mushshak series of basic trainers has been a great success for the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex due to its export orders.
 Beside commercial customers in South Africa and Pakistan Air Force & Pakistan Army (180), PAC has exported Mushshak trainer to Iranian Air Force (25), Royal Saudi Air Force (20), Royal Air Force of Oman (8), Egyptian Air Force (54) and the Syrian Air Force (6).

Pakistan Aeronautical Complex is hoping to sell the latest Super Mushshak with glass cockpit as basic traning aircraft as well as ultra light commercial aircraft. Its officals said at the Dubai air show, "You can use it both in the air force, or on the golf course".

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  1. I wonder, where can you get a new MFI! Thank you for your time and you good works!

