The Pakistan Air Force will start receiving the improved version of the JF-17 Thunder fighter jet Block II. The Block II Thunder will include newer and improved capabilities including data link and electronic warfare capabilities aerial refuelling, new radar & avionics.

 The JF-17 Thunder Block II will also expend its inventory of new generation precision guided weapons including cruise missiles. Pakistan and China are also developing a two-seater version of the JF-17 Thunder.

The deliveries of the Block II Thunder to Pakistan Air Force are scheduled to start from the second half of the 2012 and will continue till 2015. From 2016, JF-17 Thunder Block III will enter into production .

Pakistani Air Chief Marshall Rao Qamar Suleiman has said at the Dubai Air Show, “We offer performance comparable to U.S. and European fighters when it comes to radar, dogfight missile, range and BVR [beyond visual range] capabilities, for one third of the cost.”

The officials of the joint marketing team for the promotion and sale of the JF-17 Thunder has said that at-least five middle eastern countries has shown interest in the JF-17 Thunder and will be test flying the aircraft for in future to experience its performance first hand.

The People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) is also evaluating the FC-1/JF-17 Thunder and will take decision regarding its induction into the service in near future.

Block II JF-17 Thunder To Enter Into Production Next Year
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HQ Video of Aerial Display by JF-17 at Dubai Air Show 2011
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  1. The Block 2 version of the JF 17 Thunder looks to be a sweet machine in deed. As the design evolves into a mature capable fighting and flight system. As the 2 seater comes on line; I would expect to see not just an advanced trainer. But a vastly capable weapons delivery system. I'm looking forward to seeing the aircraft close up.

  2. When are going to see JF-17 Thunder Block II in the skies of Pakistan to protect the sovereignty of Pakistan challenged on western borders often. JF-17 is the pride of Pakistan. It really has potent capabilities and advanced features.

  3. Pakistan's lethal war machine, pride of the NATION JF-17 THUNDER.....

