The Pakistani Frontier Corps (FC) has taken over the control of Shamsi Airbase in Balochistan , but over 150 soldier of the United States are still at the Shamsi Airbase. Both Frontier Corps (FC) and Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has been ordered to run the airbase until its future is decided.
Possible options include handing the Shamsi Airbase over o the United Arab Emirate or turning the it into a commercial airport for the Washuk district which lacks any airport at the moment. Federal government is hesitating to decide about the fate of the airbase at time when there is lot of in the public over providing the airbase to other countries.

The Shamsi Airbase was provided to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) for launching drones attacks in the FATA (Federally Administered Tribal Areas). Last five American MQ-9 Reaper drones were shifted to Bagram Air Base couple of days ago.

The Pakistan Air Force (PAF) responded that it had no role, involvement or obligation pertaining to the aforesaid base. “PAF has nothing to do with it,” he said.

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  1. shamsi must not be handed over to any other country ' its our country why any other country has to own even a single inch here.
    Its our soveriegnty' which should not be sold for any price or any purpose of foreign governments.

