Pakistani Peace Keepers have rescued the Ambassador of Turkey, Mr Yekcin Kaga Erensoi at Ivory Coast. Rescued efforts were launched by the Pakistani Peace Keepers at the request of the Turkish Ambassador who along with three other staff members, Mr Golant, Mr Mahmut (third Secretary) and Mr Ali Ahisk were trapped in a Hotel.

Once made aware of the situation Pakistani troops started the rescue efforts to safely evocate the Turkish Embassy staff in the hotel at Ivory Coast (Abijan) where gun battle was going on in rival factions. Pakistani Peace Keepers were also able to rescue another Nine Nigerian citizens which were also trapped in same area.

Pakistani Peace Keepers are part of the United Nation’s Peace keeping Contingent and are trying to save the lives of the innocent people of Côte d'Ivoire. United Nations has acknowledged the efforts made y the Pakistani Peace Keepers and greatly appreciated their contributions in restoring law and order in the area.

Pakistani Peace Keepers were first time deployed in 2004 in Ivory Coast and additional Pakistani Peace Keepers were specially sent to the troubled country from Liberia during the last Presidential elections to establish law and order in the most turbulent areas of Ivory Coast and United Nations have been very appreciative their positive role in the election.

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